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Basic protection for your health and wellbeing
  • Certified as a VHIS Standard Plan
  • Offers access to quality healthcare in Hong Kong and worldwide
apple 2
Eligible for tax deduction

This plan is certified as VHIS compliant. You can claim a tax deduction on qualifying premiums up to a limit of HK$8,000 per insured person each year

No waiting period

Cover starts immediately after your policy takes effect

Guaranteed renewal up to age 100

Your premium will be based on your age only, no matter how many claims you've made


Benefit Features

Cover for your basic medical needs

Up to HK$420,000 every year without any lifetime benefit limit

Covers unknown pre-existing conditions

as well as congenital conditions with symptoms appearing or diagnosed from age 8, subject to a waiting period

Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests

Up to HK$20,000 per year towards prescribed diagnostic imaging tests such as MRI and CT scans

Prescribed non-surgical cancer treatment

Up to HK$80,000 in prescribed treatments including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy

Psychiatric treatment

Up to HK$30,000 per year to cover psychiatric treatment during hospitalisation in Hong Kong

Outpatient surgery in hospitals and clinics

With no minimum length of stay, surgeries performed in a clinic or day case unit of a hospital are also covered


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Bupa MyBasic VHIS

Annual benefit limit


Premiums as low as

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This plan is suitable for all people, especially if you...


need basic coverage


want to enjoy tax deduction

Other Plan Details

Blua Health wellness app
Use our wellness app Blua Health to manage your health and get rewards! Through Blua Health, you can track your progress, book into wellness classes and read health tips from experts. You can also earn points to redeem rewards for healthy living. Download Blua Health now and start living healthy today! Blua Health is offered, distributed and operated by Horizon Health and Care Limited which is a company registered in Hong Kong under the Bupa Group.
myBupa, customer service portal
  • Claims: File claims online; track and view claims status/details; provide information to resolve pending claims
  • Clinical Benefit Usage: Keep track of your claimed expenses and provider visits under Clinical Benefit (if applicable)
  • eMedical Card: Show your eMedical Card at network providers for cashless service*
  • Hospital eAdmission: Send your member information to your selected hospital upon admission*
  • Doctors Finder: Search for network doctors and clinics based on name, specialty, etc
  • Doctors Nearby: Locate the clinic on a map and get directions to the clinic from where you are
  • Member Documents: View and download your policy-related documents
  • Member Privileges: View and redeem special health and lifestyle offers exclusively for Bupa members
  • Member Profile: View your scheme details; update your contact information online
  • Direct access to Bupa’s wellness app Bupa4Life and Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS)’s mobile app
*For selected insurance schemes only.
24/7 Customer Care Helpdesk
Available 24 hours every day, our Customer Service team will directly answer your policy-related questions (see Remark 6).

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Bupa MyBasic


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  • Subject to eligible expenses and the annual limit.
  • Subject to 30% coinsurance.
  • Eligible expenses arising from pre-existing conditions that the insured person wasn't aware of, as well as congenital conditions with symptoms appearing or diagnosed after age 8, are subject to the following waiting period and reimbursement percentage:
    a. First policy year: no coverage
    b. Second policy year: 25% reimbursement
    c. Third policy year: 50% reimbursement
    d. Fourth policy year onwards: full coverage
  • Any Hong Kong taxpayer who has purchased an eligible health insurance plan (certified by the Health Bureau as VHIS) can claim a tax deduction on qualifying premiums up to HK$8,000 per insured person each year. These persons must be included in the list of “specified relatives” in Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). You can claim the deduction in the same tax year when the premium was paid. The deduction is available for certified plans with policy effective date of 1 April 2019 or later. There is no limit on the number of insured persons and/or policies claimed by each taxpayer. Policies purchased for a domestic partner, grandchild(ren) or domestic partner’s parents/children are not eligible for tax deduction. For details about tax deduction, please visit www.bupa.com.hk/taxfaq.
  • We guarantee that your policy can be renewed every year up to the age of 100 as long as you meet the requirements stated in the renewal provisions of your policy terms and conditions.
  • During office hours (9am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays), we are pleased to answer all your enquires. Outside office hours, we can provide the followings:
    a. Your coverage details,
    b. Claims procedures and other administration procedures, and
    c. Claim forms.
The above summary of our insurance products is for reference only. It is not, and does not form part of, a contract of insurance and is designed to provide an overview of the key features of these products. All terms and benefits are subject to the Policy. Please refer to the Policy for details.
Common questions See all
How to choose a VHIS plan?
As there are many VHIS plans available, we should not merely compare the premiums but pay more attention to the details to select a VHIS plan with a higher price–performance ratio... Read more
What's the difference between medical and critical illness insurance?
Many people are unsure about the differences between medical insurance and critical illness insurance. While they both provide protection for the insured, the two actually serve different purposes... Read more
What is a deductible?
A deductible is the portion of eligible medical expenses paid by the subscriber up to an agreed amount before the insurance company starts to pay for expenses over that amount in a claims settlement... Read more
What is hospital cash insurance?
Hospital cash gives you cash compensation when you are hospitalised, protecting you against the loss of income. A standalone hospital cash benefit plan is payable according to the amount of your daily sum insured... Read more
What is loading?
Loading is a term used in the insurance industry to refer to the extra charge added to the subscription at renewal due to previous claims made by the subscriber... Read more
Need help?
Enrolment hotline
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm
(except public holidays)
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