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【Limited Time Offer】
Enjoy up to 10% off now!
Call us at 2517 5860 for details.

Quality healthcare cover for the price-conscious
  • An affordable choice that gives you the essential medical cover you need
  • Add Full Cover Benefit to make your cover even more comprehensive
apple 2
Up to 50% child discount

on each child if enrolling with parents

Up to 15% no claim renewal discount
No waiting period

Cover starts immediately after your policy takes effect

Guaranteed lifelong renewal

Your subscription will be based on your age only, no matter how many claims you've made


Benefit Features

Optional Full Cover Benefit

Avoid paying shortfall by getting 100% reimbursement of your hospital expenses as long as the hospital fees fall within the annual benefit limit up to HK$870,600

Cashless service

No need to pay any deposit, hospital bills or file a claim if you use Bupa’s medical card at designated private hospitals in Hong Kong

Extra cancer treatment benefit

Up to HK$159,000 per year to support treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy, which will be reinstated each year for the rest of your life, giving you lifelong protection. If you choose Full Cover Benefit, all eligible cancer treatment expenses will be fully reimbursed

Comprehensive mental health coverage

Provides psychiatric-related coverage under Hospital and Surgical Benefit and optional Clinical Benefit to take care of your mental wellbeing

Higher surgical benefits

Bupa pays out surgical benefit on a per-operation basis rather than per disability, so you can claim up to the maximum benefit limit for each operation

Outpatient surgery in hospitals and clinics

With no minimum length of stay, surgeries performed in a clinic or day case unit of a hospital are also covered


Plan Options

Plan 1

Benefit level


Subscriptions as low as

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Plan 2

Benefit level


Subscriptions as low as

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Plan 3

Benefit level


Subscriptions as low as

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This plan is suitable for all people, especially if you...


need more comprehensive coverage


want to enjoy special discounts


want to add on different optional benefits

Other Plan Details

Full Cover Benefit
  • Fully cover hospital expenses with no limit on each hospital expense
  • Get pre-authorisation on your hospital expenses before hospital admission, so you can focus on getting better
  • No need to pay any deposit, hospital bills or file a claim if you use our medical card at renowned private Hong Kong hospitals
  • Provides a benefit limit up to HK$870,600 per year that will be reinstated every year
Supplementary Major Medical Benefit
  • No need to pay any deposit, hospital bills or file a claim if you use our medical card at any local private Hong Kong hospitals
  • Cover starts from the first day of your hospital stay
  • We pay 80% of the medical expenses in excess of the amount payable under the Hospital and Surgical Benefit
Maternity Benefit
  • Covers obstetrician's fees, hospitalisation charges, prenatal and postnatal check-up costs, and nursery care for newborn baby during a hospital confinement
  • You will receive reimbursement after your maternity cover takes effect for 9 months or more
Clinical Benefit
  • Covers general practitioner, specialist, home consultation, diagnostic imaging and laboratory tests, prescribed western medication, physiotherapists, chiropractors, Chinese herbalists, as well as Chinese bonesetters
  • Includes coverage for psychiatric-related treatments and psychological counselling, such as outpatient treatments for psychiatric, psychological, mental or behavioural conditions, senile dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) and Parkinson’s disease
Hospital Cash Benefit
  • A daily cash sum of up to HK$1,000 for 182 days per year (a total of HK$182,000)
Dental Benefit
  • Covers dental expenses such as scaling and polishing, fillings and extractions, emergency consultations and more
Health Coaching Services

Our health coaching services offer a variety of personal healthcare support delivered by a team of appointed doctors, qualified nurses and health management professionals to minimise your worries (see Remark 13):

  1. 24/7 Healthline

    A team of qualified health management professionals will provide guidance on your health-related questions over the phone, with the support of doctors (see Remark 14).

  2. Care Manager

    Our Care Manager can be in touch with you to follow up on claims and assist you throughout treatment and recovery, from explaining your treatment plan and overseeing costs to arranging follow-up consultations. If you’re admitted to a local private hospital, our Care Manager will make a courtesy call or visit, with your consent.

  3. Second medical opinion

    We'll arrange for you to get medical advice from a panel of medical specialists to clarify your doubts and make informed decisions about treatment.

  4. Healthcare centre choices

    We can provide a list of clinics and hospitals based on your specific condition or needs for your reference.

Free Bupa Worldwide Assistance Programme

Offers medical support and assistance if members need help while overseas or in mainland China.

Blua Health wellness app
Use our wellness app Blua Health to manage your health and get rewards! Through Blua Health, you can track your progress, book into wellness classes and read health tips from experts. You can also earn points to redeem rewards for healthy living. Download Blua Health now and start living healthy today!
Blua Health is offered, distributed and operated by Horizon Health and Care Limited which is a company registered in Hong Kong under the Bupa Group.
Bupa's one-stop specialist treatment programmes
Bupa has set up a series of treatment programmes for members focusing on different specialities, providing personalised care and guidance through network providers and a health coaching team. Through these programmes, you can enjoy the following benefits:
  • Multiple specialties to meet different medical needs
  • Experienced health professionals to guide you from consultation through treatment and follow-up
  • Quality assured network clinics and facilities
  • Cashless treatment with eligible medical card
Bupa's one-stop specialist treatment programmes include:
Bupa DAY series
  • Eye day surgeries
  • Day-case gynaecological procedures
Bupa WAY series
  • Clinical treatments for musculoskeletal pain
  • Guidance and treatments to support breast health
For each programme's eligibility and details, please check out Bupa's one-stop specialist treatment programmes page.
myBupa, customer service portal
  • Claims: File claims online; track and view claims status/details; provide information to resolve pending claims
  • Clinical Benefit Usage: Keep track of your claimed expenses and provider visits under Clinical Benefit (if applicable)
  • eMedical Card: Show your eMedical Card at network providers for cashless service*
  • Hospital eAdmission: Send your member information to your selected hospital upon admission*
  • Doctors Finder: Search for network doctors and clinics based on name, specialty, etc
  • Doctors Nearby: Locate the clinic on a map and get directions to the clinic from where you are
  • Member Documents: View and download your policy-related documents
  • Member Privileges: View and redeem special health and lifestyle offers exclusively for Bupa members
  • Member Profile: View your scheme details; update your contact information online
  • Direct access to Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS)’s mobile app
*For selected insurance schemes only.
24/7 Customer Care Helpdesk
Available 24 hours every day, our Customer Service team will directly answer your policy-related questions.

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Bupa CarePro


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The above summary of our insurance products is for reference only. It is not, and does not form part of, a contract of insurance and is designed to provide an overview of the key features of these products. All terms and benefits are subject to the Contract. Please refer to the Contract for details.
Some benefit limits are lower for members aged 65 or above. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits for more details.
Common questions See all
How to choose a VHIS plan?
As there are many VHIS plans available, we should not merely compare the premiums but pay more attention to the details to select a VHIS plan with a higher price–performance ratio... Read more
What's the difference between medical and critical illness insurance?
Many people are unsure about the differences between medical insurance and critical illness insurance. While they both provide protection for the insured, the two actually serve different purposes... Read more
What is a deductible?
A deductible is the portion of eligible medical expenses paid by the subscriber up to an agreed amount before the insurance company starts to pay for expenses over that amount in a claims settlement... Read more
What is hospital cash insurance?
Hospital cash gives you cash compensation when you are hospitalised, protecting you against the loss of income. A standalone hospital cash benefit plan is payable according to the amount of your daily sum insured... Read more
What is loading?
Loading is a term used in the insurance industry to refer to the extra charge added to the subscription at renewal due to previous claims made by the subscriber... Read more
Need help?
Enrolment hotline
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm
(except public holidays)
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