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Bupa Safe Critical Illness new visual banner_safe_m
【Welcome offer】
20% off for single enrolment, 40% off for 2 or more enrolments (Daily subscription from HK$5)!
Call us at 2517 5860 for details.

Value-for-money critical illness coverage with multiple protection
  • Covers up to 98% of all serious critical illnesses including 85 conditions and triple protection with a lifetime benefit amount up to HK$3.3M in aggregate
  • Pure critical illness coverage, with monthly subscriptions as low as HK$108 and easy online enrolment!
  • Protection against common major critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack & stroke, and other early stage critical illnesses including coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty, carcinoma-in-situ, cancer recurrence and so on
  • Flexibility to add optional Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit
doctor-gender-neutral 2
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Critical illness insurance

  • Provides a lump sum compensation when you're diagnosed with a covered illness, with no limitations on how you use it
  • Maintains your income when you're sick, pays for your medical and living expenses
  • VS

    Medical insurance

  • Provides reimbursement of your actual eligible medical expenses
  • Mainly to support your treatment and hospitalisation expenses
  • You may encounter these problems if you're diagnosed with a critical illness…
    Significant expenses new visual

    Significant expenses

    Significant medical costs plus ongoing daily expenses, such as mortgage payments, rent, children's tuition fees…

    Long-term treatment and recovery new visual

    Long-term treatment and recovery

    Taking time off work for treatments and to recover from a critical illness will quickly use up your paid sick leave

    Losing source income new visual

    Losing source of income

    Losing your ability to work and your source of income

    Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme: How comprehensive is it?

    The scheme covers 3 major critical illnesses including cancer, heart attack and stroke, as well as 5 early stage critical illnesses such as carcinoma-in-situ and coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty. You can also upgrade to include a total of 85 covered conditions, for 98% coverage of all serious critical illnesses. What's more, you can add the optional Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit to cover medical expenses for cancer.
    Covers critical illnesses caused by COVID-19
    Studies have shown that the after effects of COVID-19 may include critical illnesses such as heart attack, stroke and so on. For greater peace of mind, this scheme will be payable if you're diagnosed with any of the covered critical illnesses.
    Base Plan A
    (Lump-sum critical illness benefit)
    Optional Benefit B
    (Extended critical illness benefit)
    Optional Benefit C
    (Medical insurance coverage for cancer expenses)
    Covered illnesses
    Covered illnesses Cancer
    Heart Attack
    5 other early stage critical illnesses
    Kidney Failure
    Parkinson's Disease
    End Stage Lung Disease
    A total of 77 extra major critical illnesses
    Cancer Treatment Reimbursement BenefitReimburses hospital and surgical expenses for covered cancers, plus extra benefits for out-patient care and monitoring, extended care and so on, and an experimental treatment cash allowance for enhanced protection with the latest technology Cancer Treatment Reimbursement BenefitReimburses hospital and surgical expenses for covered cancers, plus extra benefits for out-patient care and monitoring, extended care and so on, and an experimental treatment cash allowance for enhanced protection with the latest technology
    Coverage Critical Illness Basic BenefitMajor Critical Illness Benefit
    Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    Additional Cancer Benefit for a second cancer claim
    Extended Major Critical Illness BenefitCovers an extra 77 major critical illnesses
    Together Plan A and Optional Benefit B cover a total of 85 conditions for 98% coverage of all serious critical illnesses
    Lifetime Benefit Amount in aggregate
    Lifetime Benefit Amount in aggregate
    Plan A3 Plan A2 Plan A1
    HK$3,300,000 HK$2,200,000 HK$1,100,000
    Lifetime Benefit Amount in aggregate refers to the total of the below 3 items:
    Major Critical Illness Benefit
    HK$1,500,000 HK$1,000,000 HK$500,000
    Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    HK$300,000 HK$200,000 HK$100,000
    Additional Cancer Benefit
    HK$1,500,000 HK$1,000,000 HK$500,000
    Diagnosis and Testing Benefit Hospital and Surgical Benefit Full cover up to HK$500,000/HK$1,000,000 per contract year

    Extended Care Benefits Payable for 90% of eligible expenses, up to HK$20,000/HK$40,000 per contract year with a lifetime limit of HK$60,000/HK$120,000 in aggregate

    Out-patient Care and Monitoring Benefit HK$50,000/HK$100,000 per contract year

    Experimental Treatment Cash Allowance Payable once per lifetime, with a lifetime limit of HK$30,000/HK$60,000
    Issue age
    Issue age Aged 15 days to 60 years
    (Enrolment from age 56-60 years (inclusive) limited to Plan A2 or A1 only)
    Renewal Guaranteed renewal up to age 100
    Period of cover
    Period of cover One year, renewable every year automatically
    Waiting period
    Waiting period 90 days
    Cooling-off period
    Cooling-off period 21 days

    Is Bupa Safe good or not? Comparing term CI products

    The definitions of critical illnesses and terms play an important role in critical illness claims. Compared with the variety of term CI products in the market, Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme provides wider coverage which better fits your protection needs. So you can rest assured you're prepared for whatever the future holds.
    Bupa Safe Critical Illness
    Other term CI products
    Second cancer
    After Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid (including cancer), if you're diagnosed with a new cancer, or you have a recurrence or distant metastasis 1 year later, you can receive the Additional Cancer Benefit with a lump sum payment of the same amount as the Major Critical Illness Benefit.
    Some products only cover one cancer
    Waiting period for a second cancer claim
    Only 1-year waiting period for a second cancer claim after Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid
    Some products have a waiting period of up to 5 years for the second cancer claim
    Early stage cancer and carcinoma-in-situ
    Up to HK$300,000 Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    Some products don't cover this
    Coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty
    Up to HK$300,000 Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    Some products don't cover this
    Carotid artery disease requiring surgery
    Up to HK$300,000 Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    Some products don't cover this
    Endovascular treatment for cerebral aneurysm
    Up to HK$300,000 Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
    Some products don't cover this
    No survival period
    The critical illness benefit will still be paid even if the member passes away right after the diagnosis of a covered critical illness
    Some products have a survival period of 14 days. No payments will be made if the member passes away within 14 days after the diagnosis of a covered critical illness
    No survival period
    The critical illness benefit will still be paid even if the member passes away right after the diagnosis of a covered critical illness
    Some products have a survival period of 14 days. No payments will be made if the member passes away within 14 days after the diagnosis of a covered critical illness
    Upgrade to include a variety of critical illnesses
    Includes an additional 77 conditions which covers 98% of all serious critical illnesses
    Some products only cover 3 major critical illnesses (cancer, heart attack and stroke), or even one, without optional benefits
    Upgrade to include Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit
    Provides reimbursement for hospitalisation, surgery, non-surgical cancer treatment and outpatient expenses for cancer and carcinoma-in-situ
    Some products don't offer cancer treatment benefits
    Coverage for cancer treatment expenses restored each year
    The coverage for major benefit items will be restored each contract year. If the treatment course for a cancer spans several years, your coverage will be renewed each year
    Some products have benefit limits for each cancer case. If the treatment course for a cancer spans several years, the limit will be used up quickly

    Comparison with CI savings plans

    Total subscriptions for 20 years
    Bupa Safe
    Critical illness savings plans HK$500,568
    Pure critical illness protection plans vs Critical illness savings plans
  • Bupa Safe Critical Illness is a pure protection plan without savings elements, offering protection at an affordable price and allowing you to use your funds more flexibly.
  • On the other hand, some critical illness insurance plans are also includes savings elements. Members can get a cash payment if they choose to surrender the policy (when no major claim has been made). So the subscriptions for critical illness savings plans are usually higher. However, if members want to surrender their policy at an early stage, the cash value they receive may actually be lower than the total subscriptions paid.
  • If you choose Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme, you can get critical illness coverage at a lower subscription, and use the saved subscriptions for other investments more flexibly.
  • Total subscriptions for 20 years
    Bupa Safe
    Critical illness savings plans HK$500,568
    Optional Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit
    apple 2
    Full cover worldwide on treatment expenses for cancer and carcinoma-in-situ

    Including hospitalisation, surgeries, non-surgical cancer treatments and diagnostic tests up to HK$1,000,000 per year

    Free preventive check-up benefit

    Enjoy a free preventive check-up every 2 years, helping you to detect possible illnesses at an early stage

    Comprehensive out-patient coverage

    From pre-treatment tests to confirm your diagnosis, pre- and post-hospitalisation out-patient care to long-term out-patient monitoring after discharge

    Guaranteed conversion with no underwriting

    You can convert to designated VHIS plans without underwriting after you've been enrolled in this benefit for 5 years. New conditions that appeared after enrolment will be covered after conversion without loading

    Extended benefits to take care of recovery needs

    Covers Chinese herbalist treatment, physiotherapy, complementary therapy, costs for buying medical appliances and so on to help you recover

    Unique experimental treatment cash allowance

    Offers a lump sum cash allowance up to HK$60,000 for experimental treatments, so you can fight against cancer with the latest technology

    Cashless service

    Enjoy cashless service with a Bupa SafeNet Card when receiving treatment for a covered cancer during confinement, day case or non-surgical cancer treatment at designated hospitals and service providers in Hong Kong


    Plan Options

    Plan 1 - 6

    Lifetime Benefit Amount in Aggregate


    Subscriptions as low as

    Quote now
    Plan 7 - 12

    Lifetime Benefit Amount in Aggregate


    Subscriptions as low as

    Quote now
    Plan 13 - 18

    Lifetime Benefit Amount in Aggregate


    Subscriptions as low as

    Quote now

    This plan is suitable for all people, especially if you...


    wish to maintain income and quality of life when suffering from a critical illness


    have a limited budget


    want to use money flexibly without any restrictions due to the contribution period

    Example Cases



    office worker
    Enrolled in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme – Plan A2 + Optional Benefit B, with $1,000,000 Major Critical Illness Benefit. She also added Optional Benefit C Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit with $500,000 in coverage.
    Age 30
    Emily's family has a history of cancer. She's very concerned about cancer coverage and has chosen Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme.
    Age 35
    Emily was diagnosed with liver cancer which required surgery and targeted therapy. She received a lump sum payment of $1,000,000 under the Major Critical Illness Benefit. Her related treatment costs added up to around $480,000 and were fully covered under Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit.
    Age 36
    Emily's medicine for targeted therapy cost around HK$40,000 per month. Her therapy continued for another year which cost around HK$480,000 in total. Luckily, Emily's coverage under Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit is restored each contract year, so her treatment costs are still fully covered.
    Total critical illness payments received
    Total Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit coverage
    ($480,000 per year x 2 years)
    Emily's total claims payments received


    Enrolled in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme – Plan A1, with HK$500,000 Major Critical Illness Benefit.
    Age 25
    Nicole is a self-employed slasher without group medical protection. She's concerned about her health and has enrolled in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme.
    Age 29
    Nicole was diagnosed with breast cancer and received the lump sum payment of HK$500,000 under her Major Critical Illness Benefit. She stopped working for a year to concentrate on recovery. Bupa's health coaching team provided a variety of support to Nicole, from helping her understand her illness and providing a list of clinics and hospitals for her reference, to emotional support and health information, such as dietary tips and cancer care during her treatment and recovery. A care manager also helped Nicole to follow up on claims so she didn't need to worry at all.
    Age 31
    Nicole's breast cancer recurred. As the 1-year waiting period for Additional Cancer Benefit had passed, she could get an additional HK$500,000 lump sum payment to support her living expenses.
    Total critical illness payments received


    manager at a small- to medium-sized enterprise, father with 1 child
    Enrolled in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme – Plan A3 + Optional Benefit B, covers up to 85 critical illnesses, with HK$1,500,000 Major Critical Illness Benefit.
    Age 40
    Dave has a good head for numbers. He thinks his group medical scheme coverage isn't enough to protect against major illnesses, while critical illness savings plans are too expensive. That's why he chose Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme.
    Age 42
    Dave was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and needed angioplasty. He received a lump sum payment of HK$300,000 under the Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit. This payment covered Dave's mortgage fees and his son's international school tuition fees, so he could focus on recovery.
    Age 48
    Dave was diagnosed with kidney failure due to poor diabetes control. He received a lump sum payment of HK$1,500,000 under the Major Critical Illness Benefit. As Dave needed to receive long-term dialysis, he switched from working full-time to part-time at home. Although his income was reduced, the critical illness coverage helped support his living expenses.
    Age 52
    Dave was diagnosed with lung cancer. Luckily, he could get an extra HK$1,500,000 from Additional Cancer Benefit to support his living expenses. Although Dave had several critical illnesses over the years, Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme covered all his needs, so he could focus on treatment and recovery.
    Total critical illness payments received

    Other Plan Details

    Cancer Care Programme

    Under our Cancer Care Programme, cancer patients can receive personalised follow-up from our qualified nurses and health management professionals throughout their cancer journey, including emotional support and a variety of health information such as cancer care and dietary tips.

    Traditional Chinese medicine therapies may help relieve the effects of cancer treatment. That's why we'll also provide health information for your reference to help improve your quality of life. What's more, members who have opted for Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit can present their Bupa SafeNet Card to enjoy member privileges for treatments on covered cancers at Bupa's selected traditional Chinese medical centre(s). Please call our 24/7 Healthline for details (privileges and selected centres may be subject to change from time to time).

    Bupa's selected traditional Chinese medical centre(s) include:

    Quality HealthCare Chinese Medicine Centre
    Address: Room 520-523, 5/F, Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong

    Health Coaching Services

    We know that patients may be overwhelmed after being diagnosed with cancer. Our Health Coaching Services can arrange for you to get a second medical opinion on covered critical illnesses, healthcare centre choices and more. You can also call our 24-hour Healthline for guidance, and get support from our Care Managers throughout treatment and recovery, from explaining your treatment plan and overseeing costs to arranging follow-up consultations and claims.

    Blua Health wellness app
    Use our wellness app Blua Health to manage your health and get rewards! Through Blua Health, you can track your progress, book into wellness classes and read health tips from experts. You can also earn points to redeem rewards for healthy living. Download Blua Health now and start living healthy today! Blua Health is offered, distributed and operated by Horizon Health and Care Limited which is a company registered in Hong Kong under the Bupa Group.
    myBupa, customer service portal
    • Claims: File claims online; track and view claims status/details; provide information to resolve pending claims
    • Clinical Benefit Usage: Keep track of your claimed expenses and provider visits under Clinical Benefit (if applicable)
    • eMedical Card: Show your eMedical Card at network providers for cashless service*
    • Hospital eAdmission: Send your member information to your selected hospital upon admission*
    • Doctors Finder: Search for network doctors and clinics based on name, specialty, etc
    • Doctors Nearby: Locate the clinic on a map and get directions to the clinic from where you are
    • Member Documents: View and download your policy-related documents
    • Member Privileges: View and redeem special health and lifestyle offers exclusively for Bupa members
    • Member Profile: View your scheme details; update your contact information online
    • Direct access to Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS)’s mobile app
    *For selected insurance schemes only.
    24/7 Customer Care helpdesk
    Available 24 hours every day, our Customer Service team will directly answer your policy-related questions.
    What is the Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme?
    The Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme offers lump sum payments when you're diagnosed with specified critical illnesses, to support your critical needs. Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme is designed to be flexible so it can meet different people's needs.

    Plan A: Covers 3 major critical illnesses: cancer, heart attack and stroke. It also covers early stage critical illnesses (such as carcinoma-in-situ, coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty, carotid artery disease requiring surgery) and a second cancer claim.
    Optional Benefit B: Upgrade to a total of 85 conditions for 98% coverage of all serious critical illnesses.
    Optional Benefit C: Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit to reimburse medical expenses for cancer and carcinoma-in-situ.
    Do I need to enrol in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme Plan A, Optional Benefit B and C together?
    You need to enrol in Plan A for coverage of 3 major critical illnesses, early stage critical illnesses and Additional Cancer Benefit. Apart from that, you can choose to add Optional Benefit B and/or C according to your budget and needs, to enhance your overall coverage for critical illnesses and cancer treatments.
    How do I know if I have the right amount of critical illness coverage?
    Treatment and recovery for some critical illnesses, especially cancer, may take years. During this period, patients not only need to pay for medical expenses, but they may also lose income due to their illness. In general, you can choose an amount of critical illness coverage which is equal to 2 times your annual salary or more. You can also calculate the right amount of critical illness coverage based on your medical expenses.
    I have medical insurance already. Do I still need Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme?
    Medical insurance and critical illness insurance play different roles in protection needs. They are complementary and provide all-round coverage when you're diagnosed with a critical illness. Medical insurance provides reimbursement of eligible medical expenses up to specified benefit limits. On the other hand, you may need to cope with significant expenses and loss of income if you're diagnosed with a critical illness. Then, the lump sum compensation of the critical illness insurance can be used to pay for these expenses.
    What documents do I need to enrol in Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme?
    Online enrolment is quick and easy. You just need to answer a few health declaration questions and upload an e-copy of your HKID card.
    Is there someone who can help with my claims?
    You can call our 24-hour Customer Care helpdesk for claims-related questions.
    If you've chosen Optional Benefit C (Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit), you can also submit and manage your claims through our customer service app myBupa anytime, anywhere.
    Is there a waiting period for Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme?
    A waiting period of 90 days applies and no benefit shall be payable for any critical illness or covered cancer (if applicable) presenting signs or symptoms or diagnosed within the waiting period. The above waiting period does not apply if the critical illness and covered cancer (if applicable) are caused by an accident.
    Is there a cooling-off period for Bupa Safe Critical Illness Insurance Scheme?
    There's a cooling-off period of 21 days for this contract. You'll receive a refund of all the subscription and levy paid if you cancel your contract within this period.

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    Bupa Safe
    Critical Illness


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    • The 85 critical illnesses covered under the critical illness basic benefits and optional Extended Major Critical Illness Benefit of this scheme include 98% of designated critical illnesses in 10Life's Scoring Methodology of Term Critical Illness Insurance. Exclusions and waiting periods apply. Please refer to the contract for the terms and excluded conditions.
    • This scheme covers 3 major critical illnesses and 5 early stage critical illnesses under the critical illness basic benefits. You can also add Optional Benefit B Extended Major Critical Illness Benefit to include a total of 85 covered critical illnesses.
    • Based on Plan A3, including HK$1,500,000 for Major Critical Illness Benefit, HK$1,500,000 for Additional Cancer Benefit and HK$300,000 for Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit. Customers need to be diagnosed with covered critical illnesses after the applicable waiting periods as specified in the contract to be eligible to claim these benefits. Please refer to the contract for details.
    • Based on an 18-year-old non-smoker enrolling in the critical illness basic benefit with lifetime benefit amount in aggregate of HK$3,300,000 using annual payment mode. This figure does not include any promotional offers or discounts which may be available.
    • The Employment Ordinance stipulates that an employee can accumulate 2 days of paid sick leave for every 1 month of work in the first year of employment; the cumulative upper limit of paid sick leave for the entire employment period is 120 days.
    • Out-patient Diagnosis and Testing Benefit covers medically necessary diagnostic tests carried out on an out-patient basis to confirm the positive diagnosis of a covered cancer.
    • Hospital and Surgical Benefit covers surgeon's fees, operating theatre fees, non-surgical cancer treatment, pre-admission and post-hospitalisation/day case out-patient care and so on. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits and contract for details.
    • Extended Care Benefits include Chinese herbalist visits, psychological counselling, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietetic consultation, medical appliances and complementary therapy. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits and contract for details.
    • Out-patient Care and Monitoring Benefit covers medically necessary out-patient visits, diagnostic tests and western medications received more than 90 days after discharge from hospital or completion of day case, or when the visit is aiming for palliative treatment, in an out-patient setting to monitor the response to the treatment, the prognosis or soothe the side effects of the covered cancer. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits and contract for details.
    • Experimental Treatment Cash Allowance offers a one-off cash allowance if the member has undergone an experimental treatment as recommended by an oncologist. This benefit does not reimburse any costs of experimental treatment. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits and contract for details.
    • Coverage under Additional Cancer Benefit will end on the contract anniversary date immediately following the age of 85. Age limits apply for coverage of certain illnesses under optional Extended Major Critical Illness Benefit. Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits for details.
    • After your Major Critical Illness Benefit has been paid, Bupa will offer an extra lump sum if you're diagnosed with cancer (including a new cancer, recurrence, distant metastasis or continuation of cancer after active cancer treatment). Waiting periods apply between payment of benefit items. Additional Cancer Benefit is also subject to active cancer treatment requirements. Please refer to the contract for details.
    • The critical illness benefit will still be paid even if the member passes away right after the diagnosis of a covered critical illness. However, a survival period applies for terminal illness. The member must survive for 14 days after diagnosis to be eligible to claim this benefit.
    • Cancerinformation.com.hk: https://cancerinformation.com.hk/web/?xinwengao=本港癌症治療政府欠規劃-調查:誤以為政府醫癌
    • Information from Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society: https://www.hkacs.org.hk/tc/medicalnews.php?id=213
    • 【Medical expense measure】With medical insurance of high coverage, you can receive cancer treatment without worries: https://www.bupa.com.hk/hero-tips/high-coverage-medical-insurance-full-cover/
    • Full cover on medical expenses for cancer and carcinoma-in-situ, up to HK$500,000 (option C1) or HK$1,000,000 (option C2) per contract year.
    • The lifetime benefit limit for Extended Care Benefits is HK$60,000 (option C1) or HK$120,000 (option C2).
    • The one-off cash allowance for experimental treatment is HK$30,000 (option C1) or HK$60,000 (option C2).
    • If you have been continuously covered under the Cancer Treatment Reimbursement Benefit for more than 1 year and are age 18 or above on the contract anniversary date, you are eligible for one free preventive check-up benefit every two contract years.
    • Conversion to designated VHIS plans without underwriting is only applicable to members aged 59 or younger at the time of conversion.
    • Your contract will be renewed automatically on a yearly basis unless you give written notice to Bupa at least 10 days before the contract anniversary date or it is not renewed according to the terms of the contract. Subscriptions will be automatically deducted from your designated bank account/credit card (where applicable) upon renewal.
    • Cashless service is only applicable to items (2) – (11) and (17) listed under Hospital and Surgical Benefit of the Schedule of Benefits. You need to obtain pre-authorisation from Bupa to enjoy cashless service. Designated private hospitals for cashless service include Canossa Hospital (Caritas), CUHK Medical Centre, Evangel Hospital, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Stubbs Rd., Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Matilda International Hospital, Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas), St. Paul's Hospital, St. Teresa's Hospital and Union Hospital. This list is subject to change from time to time.
    The above summary of our insurance products is for reference only. It is not, and does not form part of, a contract of insurance and is designed to provide an overview of the key features of these products. All terms and benefits are subject to the Contract. Please refer to the Contract for details.
    Common questions See all
    How to choose a VHIS plan?
    As there are many VHIS plans available, we should not merely compare the premiums but pay more attention to the details to select a VHIS plan with a higher price–performance ratio... Read more
    What's the difference between medical and critical illness insurance?
    Many people are unsure about the differences between medical insurance and critical illness insurance. While they both provide protection for the insured, the two actually serve different purposes... Read more
    What is a deductible?
    A deductible is the portion of eligible medical expenses paid by the subscriber up to an agreed amount before the insurance company starts to pay for expenses over that amount in a claims settlement... Read more
    What is hospital cash insurance?
    Hospital cash gives you cash compensation when you are hospitalised, protecting you against the loss of income. A standalone hospital cash benefit plan is payable according to the amount of your daily sum insured... Read more
    What is loading?
    Loading is a term used in the insurance industry to refer to the extra charge added to the subscription at renewal due to previous claims made by the subscriber... Read more
    Need help?
    Enrolment hotline
    Mon-Fri 9am-9pm
    (except public holidays)
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